Sunday, May 29, 2005

The Ordeal in PERKESO????

Hehehehheee..first and foremost...thousands apology for i hav almost abandoned this blog for sumtimes..bukan luper cumer takder masa...
At the moment, im still doing my practicum in PERKESO-and actually we hav one practical student from UPM who's doin' Consumer Science...well basically, we call her Ayam despite of his name Wani which has nottin to do wif chicken-it's juz a name we call when she started to be a bit ekstrovert..hahahhahaa!!!!
BTW, she is one of the "tokan" vcd and DVD mostly korean movies and Anime..but tonite im not talkin bout get rid of her for a sec....WE R TALkIN BOUT THE FOUL MANAGEMENT IN PERKESO!!
----because u know what??????..up until now..i havent got my needed data yet!!!!!
Im basically finishing my practicum this cumin' week but stilll....huhh!!!..for the note, im doin a one stop centre simulation system, and since my "bahagian so called Pengurusan" doent not cover that bloody one stop centre, i had to do sum bloody proposal and then wait for my big butt boss to validate it(in which she took almost 3 weeks) and the sent my proposal to "Bahagian Cawangan kl" since they r handling that which they took about one bloody whole month to send me back the agreement letter!!!!...and trembling alone...counting my days there in PerkOSA..and crossing my fingers hoping that i cud get the data on time!!!!...
and as the mean time, im just doin sum mailin' stuff and shakin' my legs there!!!-if others are like rushing their whole life to do countless assignments..projects...ME???-who knows???