Monday, July 11, 2005

gettin' older n useless????

well..for those who wonder what am i doin' now jobless(jus finis study) and doin' nothing..pening kapla!!!!!..hehheee..and beside that, apparently all(most) my cousins are one-by-one gettin' engage and married...n i knew one day, the golden question will be smacked on my face-when will i introduce us my galfren?????

WHEN??? in the world can i do that when dun even hav anyone sticks wif me..i broke wif my ex gal..hav no wat-so-ever preseverance to search for one at the same time!!!..ontop of it, i sun hav a single cents in my wallet..

hush now..okay....i know, i'll kidnap osama n redeem for reward from bush or;
i could do vice versa..hahahahhahahaa!!!

okla aku dah start mengarut...chows!!

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