Monday, May 12, 2008

Fight Fairly?

Fights are not necessary in a marriage. Couples need to have discussions, they need to solve problems, and sometimes they need to disagree, but they don't need to squabble, argue, bicker, or fight. Fights are dramatic, which is not helpful to a discussion. If you have enough energy to create drama, you have more than enough to tone it down into a discussion. However, because social expectations and mythology are so strong, many of my clients want guidelines for "fighting fair."
Fair Fight Guidelines

the point of the fight is to reach a solution, not to win, be right, or make
your partner wrong.

  1. Don't try to mind read. Ask instead what he or she is thinking.
  2. Don't bring up all the prior problems that relate to this
    one. Leave the past in the past; keep this about one recent problem. Solve one thing at a time.
  3. Keep the process simple. State the problem, suggest some alternatives, and choose a solution together.
  4. Don't talk too much at once. Keep your statements to two or three sentences. Your partner will
    not be able to grasp more than that.
  5. Give your partner a chance to respond and to suggest options.
  6. Practice equality. If something is important enough to one of you, it will inevitably be important to both of you, so honor your partner's need to solve a problem.
  7. Ask and Answer questions directly. Again, keep it as simple as possible. Let your partner know you hear him or her.
  8. State your problem as a request, not a demand. To make it a positive request, use "I messages" and "please".
  9. Don't use power struggle tactics: guilt and obligation,threats and emotional blackmail, courtroom logic: peacekeeping, sacrificing, or hammering away are off limits.
  10. Know your facts: If you're going to fight for something, know the facts about the problem: Do research, find out what options are available, and know how you feel and what would solve the problem for you.
  11. Ask for changes in behavior, don't criticize character,
    ethics or morals.
  12. Don't fight over who's right or wrong. Opinions are opinions, and that won't solve the problem. Instead, focus on what will work.
  13. Ask your partner if he or she has anything to add to the
    discussion. "Is there anything else we need to discuss now?"
  14. Don't guess what your partner is thinking or feeling. Instead, ask. "What do you think?" Or "How do you feel about it?"
  15. Hold hands, look at each other, and remember you're partners.
  16. If you're angry, express it calmly. "I'm angry about ..."
    There's no need for drama, and it won't get you what you want. Anger is satisfied by being acknowledged, and by creating change. Anger is a normal emotion -- rage is phony, it's drama created by not taking care of yourself.
  17. Acknowledged and honor your partner's feelings -- don't
    deflect them, laugh at them or freak out. They're only feelings, and they subside when respected, heard and honored.
  18. Listen with your whole self. Paraphrase what your partner says; check to see if you understand by repeating what is said. "So you are angry because you think I ignored you. Is that right?"
  19. No personal attacks or criticism. Focus on solving the
    problem. If you want to let off steam (vent), ask permission or take a time out. Handle your excess emotion or energy by being active (run, walk, hit a
    pillow,) writing, or talking to someone who is not part of the problem. Don't direct it personally at anyone. You can't vent and solve problems at the same time.
  20. Don't try to solve a problem if you're impaired: tired, hungry, drunk or unstable.
  21. Surrender to your responsibility. When you become aware that you have made a mistake, admit it, and apologize. Use it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Tina B. Tessina, Ph.D., is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in Long Beach, California, since 1978 and author of 11 books in 14 languages, including "It Ends With You: Grow Up and Out of Dysfunction," "How to Be a Couple and Still Be Free" and "The Unofficial Guide to Dating
." She publishes the "Happiness Tips from Tina".

Cass: Guys, i got this article from Yahoo!, and i found that this article is very2 useful in order to sustain the relationship between u n ur loved ones..Because sometimes, argumentations are unavoidable especially when you'r in a negative state, but argue in a fair situation is the best thing that u can do to solve the matter..Solve it..not winning it for yourself...


artisticklytouch said...

Hold hands, look at each other, and remember you're partners.

ha ha this goes to me, most of the time i forget!

la...meks ada partner ke noks? ingatkan scandal jers..tak sangka pulak

Efarojie said...


when i 1st read it article, i realised that, there were a lot of things that we miss to do that is vital in order to solve the problem..sumtimes, we were too focused on solving the problem that we forgot to see on the process of solving itself...

Efarojie said...

bro art: uols ade partner sowang..scandals bersepah like noone cares..kena emnesia ke sampai lupe semuanye ittewwww? tertelam ciknek kottt, opsss!!!

[ t ] is tEdDie said...

Hold hands, look at each other, and remember you're partners.

yes... i stick to 5

Efarojie said...

Ted: And never forget: Don't use power struggle tactics: guilt and obligation,threats and emotional blackmail, courtroom logic: peacekeeping, sacrificing, or hammering away are off limits.
~because seriously, these are the thing that can win u in the fight, but it wont help help to solve the prob!

artisticklytouch said...

bukan meks yang nak telan cek neks ittew, tapi cik nek ittew yg nak sangat terjah kerongkong meks..

*pitam statement

androi8 said...

Fighting in bed is OK.

Anonymous said...

fighting is such a strong word.verbal or physical arbitration is more like it..hehehhe.