Sunday, April 26, 2009

love hurts??

i'll just let the pictures tell the stories for me...


it's all about me said...

what happened ???

mr.froggy said...

chalie ni melayu jugak rasanya:dengki.
i hope u get well soon.don't forget to ask the doctor how this bug affects others.wish i was there to take care of u.
take care sayang.

it's all about me said...

how lucky u are...
ade mr.froggy yang amik berat...

Duncan said...

dont let anyone abuse u.
love your self more than anything else.

keep safe.


Anonymous said...

holy crap! what happened? looks like some kind of infections, hope you're alright...

have a great week!


hafizzuan said...

love bite ke?? hehe

Mac Callister said...

is that love bits or some kind of infections???

have it check by your doctor

Efarojie said...

gc: again..its chali..thank god, am better now..

froggy: haha..nnt mare owg melayu when u said like that..hehe..i wish of that too :P

starfish + duncan + Mac: it's not like ive been abuse or nething. There was thing bug who bit me n left its venom. those rashes are the latter effect of it..but it getting better now..thnks fo d concern guys...

hafizzuan: yeah..big ones!!!