Sunday, June 28, 2009

lil' bit on my updates

hi ya'll,

i'm now in the process of doing my training as a practical teacher in a rural school in a rural area in nothern state of Malaysia.

How's the school like?
First, the total of pupils is around 300 plus. Yeap, i know..very little..and the school compound is rather small too. Most of the parents are working as rubber tappers.. some are factory operators, some are fishermen, paddy field farmers and a number of teachers.

And also, what i love most about the school is that it's planted with fruits tree..we have rambutans,
, jackfruits and others..huhu..and am goin' crazy as they're riping on trees!

next time when i hav d chance to take some pictures, i'll show u guys alright?

till then,


Mr.Froggy said...

i heard a certain sumone climbed fruit trees & shared the fruits with schoolchildrens...hehe.cute!

Efarojie said...


it's all about me said...

kantoi already... hahahaha...

Efarojie said...

:"> blushed hahaa

Anonymous said...

awww... that's cool, when i visited philippines, i had some ripe jackfruits... and i super miss it, they're very delish! send me some! :) hee hee...

have a great week!

oh one more thing! can't wait for pictures, i love pictures :)